How does it work
Download BabaCasa app to find the latest properties for sale or to rent in your area.
Browse properties photos, see details and instantly book a viewing either in person or in video chat with a real estate agent. Review the property you viewed or the agent.

Search around you or chose the area for searching your next home.
Personlise your search by filtering the results

Make scheduling a home viewing as easy as booking a dinner reservation online. Simply pick a day and time to request a viewing in person or in video chat with a real estate agent.

Viewings schedule list: View all your scheduled booking in one page. Wait for booking confirmation and go visit your next home.

Read comments from users about every property they viewed and give a review to your agent or choose an agent based on other users’ reviews
Enhanced Experience
Thanks to BabaCasa's innovative approach, you will enjoy a user-friendly experience combined with the right mix of technology, services, skills and professionals.
Favourite Homes
Build your favourite properties area and monitor them.
Viewings List
Viewings schedule list: View all your scheduled booking in one page and manage your time
Join BabaCasa Community and give your contribution to other home buyers so they can benefit on information from the same side

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